Here are some truths I’d like you to consider:

  • you were not born thinking your body was a problem, that was learned.

  • eating and moving your body can be peaceful and joyful.

  • you have all the wisdom you will ever need inside you, and you can trust it.

  • you are worthy, valuable, and perfect as you are.

I know first hand the toll that years of worrying about your weight, controlling your food intake, and disliking your body takes on your mental, emotional, and physical health. 

What it’s like to yearn to feel confident, worthy, and healthy in your body - yet feel scared (even terrified) with the idea of “letting go”. Fearing the judgement that may come from others, or even more so - from yourself.

Having walked the path of body acceptance for years now, I can tell you that although it can be challenging at times, it’s oh so worth it! Because the difference is this path leads to actual freedom, confidence, and ease in your body and your life.

I’m here to support you on the journey back home to your authentic, beautiful self.

I had no idea what to expect from this type of coaching. The changes are very subtle but have had a huge impact on me. This coaching has given me more confidence in myself as a human being, as opposed to seeing my happiness just connected to my size. Having that confidence allows me to participate and not stand on the sidelines of life. I would absolutely recommend coaching with Kristina, it has changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined!
— Lori M., Atlanta, GA

What you can expect from working one-on-one together:

  • A high level of support and guidance tailored to your unique situation and experience

  • More freedom of mind around your body, food, and exercise

  • A kinder, gentler relationship with your body and yourself

  • A deeper connection to the voice of Inner Wisdom that lives inside you

  • A return home to your authentic self: a realigning with your soul’s true desire so you can live life doing more of what light’s you up, rather than being bogged down by “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”



Option 1: 3-Month Coaching Package

Setting a foundation is key to sustaining new change and growth. Meeting together in a focused container will help you to establish the grounding within yourself that can support the kind of change you wish to experience.

Package includes:

  • 10 x 1-hour coaching sessions held live over Zoom

  • Unlimited email access for support between sessions

  • Unlimited voice/text support via What’s App

Investment: $1,500 USD (2 and 3 month payment plans available)

I’ve done tons of therapy before and still felt low about myself and my body, so I wasn’t sure if coaching would be truly beneficial for me. But after working with Kristina I have more confidence than I did before. The sessions were a judgment-free outlet for me to express how I felt about my body, and share things I had felt embarrassed to talk with others about. After being weight-focused my entire life my mindset is slowly moving away from constantly worrying about the scale or how big I may look. I’ve come away with tonnes insight on how I view myself and my body. I would recommend the coaching pakage to others.
— Ashley H., California

Option 2: Single Coaching Session

Book a single 1-hour coaching session whenever you feel you’d like some focused support on a particular issue or challenge you’re experiencing.

Single Session Rate: $130 USD

The single coaching session option appealed to me. After working together with Kristina for multiple sessions I am not as anxious around food or when I look in the mirror. When I hear judgemental voices come up now I know how to handle them. I loved being able to talk to Kristina about what I was seeing and then to hear how she saw things which expanded how I saw my circumstances and the world. I appreciated so much having someone I could talk to who was a guide for me to feel more peaceful and content inside myself.
— Lleslle, California

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